Dr. Dinesh Singhal

M.B.B.S, MD (Paediatrics, Delhi),

D.N.B. (Paediatrics, Delhi)

Child & New Born Specialist

Child Care & Vaccination Centre


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5 Best Baby Sleeping Tips

5 Best Baby Sleeping Tips

5 Best Baby Sleeping Tips

In the following, we will be discussing an important topic that is 5 best baby sleeping tips and will discuss it in detail within the article. There’s no such thing as a bad sleeper, just bad sleep habits, and they’re usually reversible,” says a pediatric sleep consultant. Let’s discuss a few tips that can help the parents:

1. Start a Routine

One of the ways a baby learns it’s time to go to sleep is from cues in the environment”. About 30 minutes before bedtime, turn the noise down and dim the lights. The right lighting is crucial because it helps set a baby’s internal clock. “Our brain associates light and dark with being awake or asleep respectively. Turning the lights low at night—and exposing your baby to bright light in the a.m.—will help this process along.

Once you minimize the stimuli, you’ll be able to introduce other calming rituals, sort of like a warm bath, lullabies, or softly spoken stories. Some pediatric sleep consultant recommends having the nighttime ritual in place as soon as possible, and ideally by about 6 to 8 weeks. Be consistent—do the activities in the same order every night—so your baby learns what to expect. For this, Child Specialist in Dwarka is providing the best services.

2. Don’t Rely on Soothing Methods

If you place your baby in her crib when she’s already asleep and she or he wakes up in the night, which all humans do, she will not recognize her surroundings and will want your help getting back to sleep”. Try and place your baby down drowsy but awake”. This will help her learn to self-soothe and fall asleep—and, more importantly, back to sleep—on her own, which is the main goal of parenting.The issue we get the most calls regarding is parents automatically repeating soothing habits to the point that the baby is hooked.

Newborns take pleasure in rocking, bouncing as well as soothing to sleep, however, babies develop quickly and do not need those things forever. This one can be hard to avoid—if something works, why would you stop? But we’ve got to give babies the chance to learn this stuff themselves. “By about five months, most babies have the capability to go to sleep on their own, and if we’re still doing it for them, we’re getting in their way. Start practicing in the early months to put Baby down awake, a minimum of once a day—usually the first nap is the most productive. Keep your cuddle time; however, gradually stop the patting and shushing as well as rocking to sleep. Regarding this, Child pediatrician in West Delhi providing the best kind of treatment.

3. Don’t Feed Baby to Sleep and Eliminate Snacking

Newborns fall asleep all the time while eating, and no one should stress about that”. “By four or five months, however, if the act of falling asleep is decoupled from feeding, overall, the babies tend to sleep better”. Like other sleep crutches, if your baby is dozing off during feeding, anytime she wakes during the night she’s going to think she needs to eat in order to get back to sleep.

Another problem with this is “you’re the only person who can put your baby to bed”. Think of it in this way: “Even by the age of five months, if your little one is still nodding off while feeding, you need to begin the bedtime routine a bit sooner”. Bit by bit move the feeding time a little earlier until your child can get through it, then finish the routine with a calming book as well as song, and finally tuck him in drowsy but awake. You may still need to get up for a nighttime feeding, but then it will be about hunger, not soothing.

4. Stick to an Early Bedtime

Timing is just as important as a routine. “At around 8 weeks, babies have a rise in melatonin, a natural, drowsy-making hormone the body releases when it’s time for sleep, which means they’re ready for an early bedtime consistent with the sun setting”. “If you keep them up late instead, they become overstimulated and harder to put down.”

A good sign of drowsiness is when the baby becomes calm—he’s less active and has a boring look or is just starting off”. Don’t ever mistake such type of behavior as happy to be awake. Seize the moment and start your bedtime routine. “The baby’s internal clock is telling her when to be awake and when to be asleep, and you want to reinforce that. If you’ve been keeping your baby up late at night, work toward an earlier bedtime by putting her down 15 minutes sooner every night.

5. Take Naps Seriously and Let Baby Work It Out

A well-rested child will sleep better than an overtired one. It seems counterintuitive, but skipping a nap (or keeping a baby up late) in hopes that he’ll sleep longer at night just doesn’t work. “When infants get overtired, their stress hormones rise”.

Then, once they finally fall asleep, there’s a good chance it won’t be for long, because those stress hormones wake them when they’re in a lighter sleep stage. This is why regular naps are so essential. “At the age of 2 months, a baby’s optimal span time until they can stay awake is only about 90 minutes between sleep, which goes by really quickly”. “They don’t have the tolerance to be awake more than that until four to five months”. Keep a watch on the clock, because picking up on your baby’s tired gaze isn’t at all easy.

If you rush in immediately at night to help your baby fall back to sleep, you’re creating a cycle that will be hard to break. When you hear your baby fuss, pause for a minute and see if he can work it out himself. “If he can’t, go in and do the least intrusive thing—pat or shush but don’t pick him up”. If it works then it’s great. If not, you step by step climb the soothing ladder until you get him back to sleep.


Information overload causes parents to try a million different things, which doesn’t build any consistency or trust. “Children thrive on knowing what to expect.” “For the first 4 months, give your baby a little space to show you what she’s capable of”. You’ll be empowering your little one, and once she’s actually sleeping through the night, a fully rested you will be capable of more than you ever imagined.

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