Dr. Dinesh Singhal

M.B.B.S, MD (Paediatrics, Delhi),

D.N.B. (Paediatrics, Delhi)

Child & New Born Specialist

Child Care & Vaccination Centre


Dwarka Clinic Address:

104,106,Vardhman Sunder Plaza,

Plot No.12, Main Market,

Sector-12, Dwarka, New Delhi- 75

Palam Clinic Address:

WZ 109/A, Street No-1, Sadh Nagar,
Palam Colony, New Delhi

Baby Care Tips During Monsoon

Baby Care Tips During Monsoon

Baby Care Tips During Monsoon

In the following we will be discussing an important topic that is “Baby care tips during Monsoon” and will discuss it in detail within the article:

If this is your baby’s first monsoon, it can be an exciting time for both the baby and you. But, while the beginning of the rainy season gives us relief from the sweltering heat, heavy showers bring other challenges too.

To help you care for your baby during this time, we’ve put together answers to the most frequently asked questions about how to care for your baby through the rainy season.

What food and water safety rules should I follow for my baby throughout the Monsoon

Overflowing drains, waterlogged areas, pools of stagnant water all increase the incidence of water-borne and vector-borne diseases so staying away from these is important. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, remember to feed more often to keep him/her hydrated. If your baby is already on semi-solids and desires water in between meals, ensure it is filtered. If power outages mean your water purifier doesn’t work, bring regular water to a rolling boil for at least 5 minutes and cool before giving it to your baby.

Sterilize all bottles and sippy cups more often as humidity can cause mold. Food additionally spoils quicker in humid weather, so check all food carefully before giving it to your baby. Look for changes in color, texture, smell or signs of mold or fermentation. Needless to say, home food is best and avoiding take out or street food is the best for your baby’s delicate immune system. If you are traveling, carry a bottle of water and some simple meals to feed the baby when hungry.

What are some precautions to take throughout the Monsoon when Indoors

Good hygiene for yourself, your baby and your home is of the utmost importance. Give your house a deep clean before the monsoon begins and check for signs of water leaks and mold a week or two after the rains start. In mosquito-infested areas, keep infants covered and use mosquito nets, particularly throughout the evenings. Extreme humidity can mean we feel cold, yet hot at the same time. Ensure babies are diaper-free as much as possible or change them more frequently. Pick thicker, dry clothes that are also breathable and be vigilant for signs that your child has a fever or is coughing, sneezing or showing signs of discomfort.Get in touch with our team for the Child Specialist in West Delhi

Make sure to clean your hands frequently throughout the day, especially after coming in from outside or using the washroom. Keep baby safe from infections by getting the mandatory vaccines beforehand and keeping sick individuals away from them entirely. Breastfeeding moms ought to be extra careful to have a healthy diet as those nutrients pass on the kid through the milk. Breastfeeding throughout the rains is also nice as breast milk is rich with antibodies that help protect the kid. Check with your doctor and place together a medical kit with basic fever and cold meds just in case of an emergency.

What are some Precautions to take throughout the Monsoon when Outdoors

When it comes to the great outdoors, it’s best to remember that we can’t control everything. Follow the three P’s, and you can be sure you’re doing your best.

Protect – The best protection you can give yourself, and your child against numerous germs and illnesses is getting up-to-date on your vaccinations. Many doctors recommend getting not only booster shots before the rains begin but also checking to see if any new vaccines might be relevant to you and your family like the flu vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, typhoid vaccine, and hepatitis A vaccine. They help boost the child’s defense system against these microbes.

Pre-empt – Avoid crowded areas with high volumes of people as there is a greater chance of catching and spreading infections. Carry a hand sanitizer and some anti-bacterial wipes when on the move and offer these to people before they handle your baby.

Prevent – Check your surroundings frequently and have stagnant water attended to instantly. Mosquitoes will breed within the water that lies around and comes out in swarms, especially at dusk. Use a mosquito net over cribs and prevent bug and mosquito bites by keeping your child covered at all times. When allowing your kid (toddler) to enjoy the rain sometimes you need to set a time limit in order to prevent them from splashing in muddy puddles and you must dry them thoroughly afterward.

How often should I bath my Kid during the Monsoon

Until and unless your baby has been out and about in the rain, it is perfectly acceptable to skip bathing the baby each and every-day. Wipe them down with a warm washcloth and keep them dry. As and when you do bathe your baby, make sure the water is warm to the touch but it should not be hot because it can dry out the delicate skin as well as cause any number of skin conditions.

Besides always having your doctor on speed dial, when it comes to babies and the rainy season, being prepared in advance is winning half the battle. With these handy tips, enjoying the rains will now be safer as well as easier.

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