Dr. Dinesh Singhal

M.B.B.S, MD (Paediatrics, Delhi),

D.N.B. (Paediatrics, Delhi)

Child & New Born Specialist

Child Care & Vaccination Centre


Dwarka Clinic Address:

104,106,Vardhman Sunder Plaza,

Plot No.12, Main Market,

Sector-12, Dwarka, New Delhi- 75

Palam Clinic Address:

WZ 109/A, Street No-1, Sadh Nagar,
Palam Colony, New Delhi

Healthy Foods for Kids

Healthy Foods for Kids

Healthy Foods for Kids

In this article, we will tell you important healthy foods for kids that can help their better growth.
Kid’s first education starts from home. Starting from their early life, breastfeeding to healthy eating is completely learned from home environment. Parents are the role models for children. Only you can help your children maintain a healthy weight and normal growth. Children learn to eat and becoming a picky eater in the very early years of life. Give them right choices of food that results in good health. Parents have to make sure their children getting right vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper growth and development.

    • Some of the important aspects of healthy food include
    • Portion control
    • Cutting down on fatty foods
    • Cutting down of sugary drinks
    • Avoid processed foods

How Does Healthy Food Benefit Kids?

Keeping your child healthy by offering them proper foods can help them avoid many health problems. Children need all essential nutrients as they are growing faster. Try to give them starchy foods, protein foods such as meat, chicken, fish, egg and dairy products. Starting a day with protein food can help them active and can help them stay active for a very long period. Children must get a proper diet for their brain to develop and hence to explore the world like an adult.

Few Vital Things to Remember:

      • Avoid making mealtime a war field.
      • Avoid snacks before meals.
      • Offer child small amount of different foods and give choices over what is eaten.

Preventing Weight Gain

Overweight children are most likely to have health problems. Here are some tips to maintain a healthy weight in children.

      • Creating a habit of drinking water rather than offering them other fizzy drinks.
      • Balance the calories your child consumes from foods.
      • Offer low-fat or non-fat milk instead of full milk.
      • Limit the consumption of sugar and saturated fat.

It is quite normal for some children to enjoy every food they are offered while other children hesitate to eat food they previously tasted. Listening to your kids and giving your kids options and talking to them about their likes and dislikes all sorts of activities can supply them an energy that is needed to make positive changes in their life. Finally, one of the best ways for parents to encourage healthy eating is by understanding them, showing up and offering…

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